THE WORLD BANK Current project Propaganda

The main purpose of publicity activities is to organize the dissemination of information about the activities carried out within the framework of the project among interested parties (communities, local institutions and other organizations) through various possible means. Advocacy informs relevant stakeholders about the objectives and procedures of the IDP Social Development Fund, criteria for target groups and beneficiaries, criteria for project selection, and mechanisms for contacting the Fund, and helps develop sustainable relationships between beneficiary communities and the project.

Taking into account the diversity of project audiences, the following channels are used during the implementation of publicity campaigns:

· broadcast on national and local television and radio channels;

· publication of articles and advertisements in national and local newspapers;

· distribution of brochures, booklets and other written advertising materials;

· preparation of photo albums, organization of photo shows about current and completed programs;

· organization of trainings and seminars with the participation of local institutions, community leaders and members, local and international organizations;

· organizing meetings with experts, consultants and partner organizations;

· Operation of the regularly updated official website of MKSIF;

· involving beneficiaries and the general public through social media as needed;

· holding regular meetings with the public with the participation of representatives of relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations;