THE WORLD BANK Current project Microprojects

Component A - community microprojects

 Community microprojects address the common interests and needs of the community rather than the individual needs of community members and are chosen by communities according to their development priorities.

Community microprojects are divided into two groups: (i) infrastructure and (ii) non-infrastructure microprojects.

(i) Infrastructure micro-projects:

1. Social infrastructure (health infrastructure; kindergartens and schools; community centers).

2. Economic infrastructure (local/community drinking water supply systems; access and local roads; local electricity supply systems; irrigation network).

3. Sewerage and environment (local/community sewage systems and plants; rehabilitation or construction of solid or liquid waste treatment centers; erosion control type works for local communities).

(ii) Non-infrastructure micro-projects:

1. Provide tents for community level events;

2. Furnishing of furniture and equipment for schools, health centers, kindergartens and/or community centers.

Considering that the communities are not legal entities, the implementation of the project on behalf of the community is carried out by the contracting organizations, and all procurement processes are carried out according to the standard procedures of the World Bank.

The implementation of the community micro-project is carried out under the constant supervision of the representatives of the technical staff of the Social Development Fund of Forced Displaced Persons, and the completed works are evaluated by the component managers.

After the completion of the work on the community micro-project, a handover commission is formed for each community project, which consists of representatives of various stakeholders. After the completion of a community project, community representatives are required to participate in the handover process, and they are responsible for coordinating the necessary work for the preservation and future exploitation of the project results.